Friday, May 6, 2016


It was a beautiful morning in Pakistan even in top summer just like old rituals; the air was full of freshness. 

And if you have nowhere to go soon, you’ll probably sit in lawn for so long with bare feet.

I did the same, but the basic hunger nature provoked me, ultimately, I went to kitchen to made breakfast for me. 
But just in seconds I came out of kitchen with the speed of 260km/h, I guess if motorway police could saw me, they would have strike hard fine.
The reason-a creepy insect-a cockroach.

I saw him
He saw me.
I said nothing 
He doesn't need to.
I ran
He smiled (I expected).
I took my bike keys and went to near tuck shop, bought fruit cake and juice for me, parked my ride back in garage.
Got rid of shoes, tried hard to make no sound, sneak into the kitchen door 
But I saw the "boy" again, staring me quietly with constant movement of his "fillform antennae".
(As I hope so thinking that I might bring food for “his” majesty).

I gazed him with eagerness.
He responded with no emotion (no smiley, no tongue out-girlish attitude).
Rascal I thought of him.
Finally in the end I managed to grab plate and once again with the same momentum of 260 km/h, I was out of the battle ground.
Desperate and defeated.
Just after my breakfast, I think of the “boy” assuming that he must have been poor alone in a Lion Lair (yes my house).
Chain to chain of thoughts it took me back in 2011, I meet a zoologist, a person who told me that cockroaches also talk just like us; it was for me a topic of no-interest , so just nodded, listened him less but concentrated much in using my social media
Moreover inventions have take place in my life, i am destined to love mobile rather than world,
Than chain reaction took me to observation of cockroaches, think about the “boy”, appearance, walking style, number of legs and so on.

Just after moments I found myself walking with my six long, spiny legs wandering here and there, in gutters, in garbage searching for food for my loving family.

My skin was so dark brown and shiny, and with my two “fillform antennae” I was trying to smell the food, soon after I found it in guttery mud, loaded it and rushed back toward my home in south east of gutter.

As I reached home, found my family waiting for me, we ate together, amazingly I didn’t notice any mobile and laptop, my family was fully mine and we passed great time together.

Just after I went out, and meet with my all friends, one of my friend told me a recent gathering where an important decision need to b discuss today so went there, saw the whole ceremony and didn’t felt alone even for a second.

Suddenly I felt that somebody is shaking me,


I was human again, I looked toward my mother, and then I realized that I was in deep thoughts of all that I read once about cockroach.

Cockroaches are basically more social then us, you will rarely find a cockroach alone, they like to travel with friends, they don’t fight for food; in the recent research it has been proved that they even make decision with group discussions.

And here we are we more busy in social media then in real life, haven no time for family, have no time for friends everyone is busy in devices and so on make the life pretty worse, we are 7 billion but every single one hunt by the ghost of depression and loneliness.

Alas we are not cockroaches.


Rohail Ashraf Cheema